
Management Sciences Consulting Group
DEC Connection member Carol Ehrlich is its organizer: 978-779-5439 or ce35@cornell.edu
April 28, 2024 - Management Sciences Reunion - Stow MA
20 colleagues from the Management Sciences Consulting Group (Stow - OGO) had a great time reminiscing and catching up at their reunion in Stow, MA on April 28.  We all tried to talk about everything and catch up since our last reunion five years ago.  That's a lot of catching up to do in a few hours but we did our best.
We talked about the people we used to work with and for, projects, funny stories, non-work escapades, our fearless managers, Ken Olsen of course, children, grandchildren, careers after Digital, exercising, oh and of course joint replacements and recommended orthopedic surgeons...
There's nothing as great as good friends who care about each other, have great trust in each other, and look forward to seeing each other every time we can get together.
Thank you to everyone who made this so special: Laura Appleton, Nancy Birchard, Bob Buerschaper, Chris Charyk, Carol Ehrlich, Jack Faase, Steve Frigand, Bob Gallagher, Sally Johnston, Jim Kimball, Karen Leeds, Jill Moonheron, Tom Murphy, Deb Olander, Carole Osterer, Judy Ryde, Bob Simmons, Bill Troy, Caroline Webber, and Andy Weigl.

Management Sciences Consulting Group Reunion: June 2, 2019 in Berlin MA

Carol Ehrlich (in blue, at right) reports on the Management Sciences Consulting Group Reunion, June 2

33 of us had a fantastic time at 19 Carter, a new community gathering place in Berlin, MA.

We had some gorgeous pictures taken by Andy Weigl Photography that captured the fun, happiness, and excitement of visiting with each other, many of whom we haven't seen in a very long time!

Link to photos of Management Sciences Reunion by Andy Weigel Photography

Almost everyone looked "exactly the same!" It seemed like Management Sciences was just a few months ago and 35 years ago at the same time...

 We're already thinking of our next reunion, so if anyone learns of additional contact information for Management Sciences alumni please contact Carol Ehrlich at 978-779-5439 or ce35@cornell.edu or https://sites.google.com/site/boltonorganizingandstaging

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